MSc Quantum Engineering
Quantum engineering exploits unique features of quantum physics to generate technological solutions surpassing the capabilities of their classical counterparts. It is transforming in particular the fields of communication, computing and measurement technology.

In the Master in Quantum Engineering Program, students obtain a solid foundation in quantum theory and engineering skills from a selection of core courses offered by the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) and the Department of Physics (D-PHYS) at ETH.
The Master in Quantum Engineering is a full-time study programme for four semesters. The programme consists of core courses, elective courses, a semester project, an industry internship or quantum engineering laboratory, and a final Master’s thesis. All the courses, the laboratory courses, and the semester project are completed in three semesters. The Master’s thesis takes an addition-al six months.The Master in Quantum Engineering at ETH has a strong project-oriented learning component, including active participation in industrial and academic research projects.
The Quantum Engineering Commission (QEC) is the student association of the MSc Quantum Engineering Programme at ETH Zurich. It was established in February 2020 by the inaugural class of Quantum Engineering Master's students.