General Meeting at Schatzalp, 2022

The inaugural General Meeting of the Quantum Center took place at Schatzalp in 2022.

Group photo at Hotel Schatzalp
Group photo at Hotel Schatzalp

Location: Schatzalp, Davos
July 11 to 13, 2022
Hosted by: Quantum Center, ETH Zurich

The first ever General Meeting of the Quantum Center was held in Schatzalp in 2022. The event was created to bring together the different member groups of the Quantum Center in an opportunity to showcase the quantum research performed in the different groups, to meet colleagues and to discuss hot topics in the field of quantum technologies.
Accommodation, catering and event costs were covered by the Quantum Center.

A detailed program with the abstracts of the talks and the panel discussion as well as the list of posters can be found in the Download Abstract Booklet (PDF, 939 KB).

Read more about this event in the LinkedIn article external page "A panorama of quantum research".


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