Supported Conferences, Schools and Workshops
Conferences, schools and workshops that have received financial and organizational support from the Quantum Center are listed below.

Upcoming Events
Quantum Nanophotonics, March 23 to 29, 2025, Benasque, Spain
external page Quantum Nanophotonics 2025 aims at the exploration of the frontiers at the interface between the fields of Quantum and subwavelength optics.
The scientific program will include both invited and selected contributed papers with the focus on strong coupling, lasing, waveguide QED, quantum effects in nanogaps and quantum metamaterials.
The meeting will take place in Benasque, which is a beautiful village with a famous ski resort, located in the heart of the Pyrenees, close to the Spanish border with France.
The objective of this conference is to facilitate interaction between worldwide researchers working in the field, with a special emphasis on interaction between young and more experienced researchers. To this end, presentations will be given in the afternoons. Mornings will be left free, so participants may enjoy the mountains and/or the excellent working environment provided by the external page Centro de Ciencias in Benasque.
Past Events
This international conference co-organized by Martin Frimmer aims to bring together experts of the fields of trapping and controlling quantum systems ranging from atoms, ions, molecules to mesoscopic micro- and nanoparticles. All this happens on top of Ascona on the Monte Verità. More information can be found on the conference website.
This five-day programme on theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum cryptography aims at providing high-level training to young researchers entering this field. While classical cryptographic schemes always have to fear the risk of being broken, in particular with the possibility that quantum computers are built, quantum cryptography promises unconditional security solely based on the laws of physics. This field of research is currently in an exciting phase in which theoretical concepts and ideas are not only experiencing the transition to experimental implementations, but are also attracting the interest of industry. Learn more on external page the school website.
Challenges and perspectives in resonator-mediated quantum many-body physics: From atoms to solid state.
This workshop aims to bring together world-leading experts in both experimental and theoretical many-body physics, focusing on interactions facilitated by resonators across microwave and optical domains. The objective is to delve into uncharted territories, perspectives, and potential of cavity-mediated physics, specifically emphasising the coupling of solid-state materials (such as doped ions in magnetic insulators or semiconductors) and optically trapped systems with coherent electromagnetic fields for quantum information processing, with ample time to discuss concepts, perspectives and open challenges. Learn more about this workshop on external page the offical website.
This joint summer school from EPFL and ETH Zurich aims to give its participants a first general introduction on the excitonic properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials, theoretical methods to describe excitons and optical techniques to characterize them. Later lectures cover topics of current interest such as many-body physics with excitons, exciton transport and cavity QED. Learn more about the event external page here.
At this summer school young scientists who aim to start a career in the field of quantum cryptography will have the opportunity to get a solid education on the fundamental knowledge required in this research field. The school is mainly targeted at PhD and Master students, and in exceptional cases also at postdocs. Learn more about the event external page here.
A Quantum Hackathon organized by the Quantum Engineering Commission for students from all universities. The goal is to tackle the hardware & software challenges of quantum science in a multidisciplinary team from beginners to experts.
Causalworlds aims to bring together experts from different areas of physics working on questions related to causality, and to provide a venue for cross-pollination of these ideas through scientific exchange between these communities.
The Solstice of Foundations Summer School on foundational aspects of quantum theory provides a solid introduction to current approaches and problems within foundational research, and is tailored for junior researchers entering the field, like Master's and PhD students, as well as Postdocs.
The QCHS summer school is organized by doctoral students from ETH Zürich and EPFL. Mainly funded by the two research institutions, it aims to connect junior researchers in quantum science and technology across Switzerland and abroad and thus stimulate future collaborative works.
A Quantum Hackathon organized by the Quantum Engineering Commission for students from all departements. The goal is to tackle the hardware & software challenges of quantum science in a multidisciplinary team of ETH, EPFL and TUM students from beginners to experts.
The Quantum Thermodynamics Summer School was designed to provide a solid introduction to current approaches and problems within quantum thermodynamics and was tailored to junior researchers entering the field. The school was hosted by NCCR SwissMap and Squid, with the support of the Quantum Center. All lectures are now online on external page Squid’s YouTube channel.