Caballero-Benitez, Santiago F.
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Time: 15:00
Place: ETH Campus Hönggerberg, HIT E 41.1
Host: Tobias Donner
Structural Dynamics and Strong Correlations in Dynamical Quantum Optical Lattices
Santiago F. Caballero-Benítez – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Abstract: Ultracold atoms in optical lattices inside high-Q cavities offer the opportunity to explore the regime where structural changes in the lattice dynamics and strong quantum correlations can be achieved. This leads to new interesting regimes that can be explored following the recent developments in experiments, i.e. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 233601 (2019). In this work, we explore the regimes from weak to strong many-body interactions where insulating correlated phases emerge while the structure of the lattice is dynamically modified by the light and the light itself is modified by the quantum matter dynamics. Our theoretical results are consistent with previous experimental explorations in the absence of short range interactions. The matter system can be controlled to self-organize its structure to go from an ensemble of 1D like systems to a full 2D system with a smooth structural phase transition.