Thew, Rob and Brydges, Tiff

Generating, distributing, and detecting photonic entanglement for quantum networks

Rob Thew and Tiff Brydges - Quantum Technologies Group, University of Geneva, CH

Abstract: The generation, distribution, and detection of photonic entanglement, provide the foundational building blocks for quantum networks. We will discuss examples of each of these currently being explored in our group. We present recent work on superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPD) that can now operate in the photon-number-resolving regime and show how that can be exploited. We will also talk about integrated photonic sources of entanglement based on SiN microring resonators that can be engineered to work with the wavelengths and bandwidths of quantum memories. We put this in the context of recent experiments for the distribution of entanglement in quantum repeater-like architectures.

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