Volz, Thomas


Semiconductor single-photon nonlinearities for photonic quantum technologies

Thomas Volz - Macquarie University and Quandela

Abstract: In the first part of my talk, I will discuss the ongoing research efforts in the QMAPP group at Macquarie University in Sydney to implement an alternative type of quantum dots, so-called photonic dots. These are based on the effect of polariton blockade in confined cavity-exciton polaritons. The underlying interaction-induced blockade effect mandates strong cavity confinement, ultimately making the implementation of photonic dots a problem of photonic rather than material engineering. This potentially avoids the inhomogeneity and randomness of self-assembled quantum dots. Here we introduce a new spectroscopic method that has enabled us to map the interaction landscape for exciton polaritons in great detail and reveal the existence of two-and three-body Feshbach resonances in our GaAs quantum-well sample.The second part of my talk is devoted to the application of self-assembled quantum-dot single-photon sources for photonic quantum computation. A key player in the field is the French startup Quandela, who offers a full-stack, HPC-ready photonic quantum computing solution. In my current role as CTO of Quandela GmbH, a Munich-based subsidiary of Quandela France, I will give an overview of Quandela’s most recent quantum computation platform and highlight important features of its technology, including some ideas for moving forward towards a fault tolerant architecture using Quandela’s generic technology. Finally, I will briefly discuss the plans for Quandela GmbH.


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