Rey, Ana Maria
Hamiltonian engineering with momentum states and photon mediated interactions
Ana Maria Rey - Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA), a joint institute of the University of Colorado and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Boulder, CO, United States
Abstract: Cavity-QED systems have emerged as a powerful platform for generating highly entangled states, with
significant implications for both quantum metrology and quantum simulation. A particular setting that has gained great interest given its application for matterwave interferometry is an array of free-falling atoms inside a cavity where one can encode a pseudo-spin ½ degree of freedom using a pair of selected momentum states. These are collectively coupled by exchanging cavity photons. In this talk I will discuss why this system not only is suitable for the generation of a spin exchange
Hamiltonians via two photon processes, but also to engineer arbitrary collective tunable XYZ models including the so-called two-axis counter-twisting model and Hamiltonains featuring dominant multi-body interactions. All of these models are relevant for quantum enhanced interferometry and quantum simulation.