Announce your Seminar

We are happy to announce your seminar to the Quantum Center community mailing list as a Quantum Center Seminar. To ensure a smooth process, we kindly ask you to follow these steps:

  1. Organize the event
    Reserve a seminar room and add the event details to the D-PHYS calendar
  2. Notify us
    Send the details of the event to at least 7 days in advance. This should include the speaker’s name and affiliation, title of the talk, abstract, date and time, and the reserved room.
  3. Website & invitation timeline
    We will update our website and send out seminar invitations about one week in advance. We cannot guarantee timely email distribution for requests received later than 7 days in advance.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with any of the above steps, please do not hesitate to .

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