December 2022
Abstracts of the QSIT/Quantum Center, ETH Zurich Lunch Seminar
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Time: 12:00 - 13:10
Coherent noise characterization of near-term quantum devices
Noah Kaufmann, Ivan Rojkov, and Florentin Reiter - Trapped Ion Quantum Information (Home group), ETH Zurich
Noise affects many potential applications of near-term quantum devices. Insights about its nature and origins facilitate error mitigation, error correction, and hardware improvements. Hence, noise characterization is critical for advancing quantum computing. While existing scalable protocols focus on incoherent noise, our introduced noise model incorporates coherent errors, and we demonstrate the corresponding characterization and mitigation on a superconducting hardware platform.
Quantum ticking clocks: foundations & information theory
Ralph Silva - Quantum Information Theory (Renner group), ETH Zurich
A clock is any pair of a system and a measurement from which we can infer the passage of time. By adding a single axiom - that the system should not be disturbed by the measurement - one can build the theory of what we refer to as `ticking clocks'. These have an internal part that can be quantum and an external register that is classical, which counts `ticks' but can also be a record of synchronisation between clocks. I'll comment on how ticking clocks are emergent rather than fundamental, how the discrete nature of ticks requires non-disturbance, and upon the information theory of these clocks.