The Quantum Center is the central hub for coordinating the various scientific and structural activities in quantum science and technology across departments at ETH Zurich, and to develop a sustainable basis for research and teaching in this emerging discipline.

ETH Zurich has a long tradition in seminal research in quantum science, reaching back to the earliest roots of the field. With the advent of quantum technology, where unique properties of quantum physics are exploited in fundamentally new technological devices, ETH scientists and their collaborators have taken a fresh leading role in research and education in the past two decades.
The Quantum Center at ETH coordinates the various scientific and structural activities in quantum science and technology at ETH Zurich. In particular, it interconnects research and teaching across ETH departments and further strengthens current activities by leveraging the broad competencies available at ETH Zurich.
The Center also serves as an ETH Zurich-wide contact point for larger projects, including collaborations with industrial partners and funding through Swiss and international grant agencies as well as donations.