NCCR QSIT (2011–2022)

The National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) on Quantum Science and Technology (QSIT) was a research initiative of the external page Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). NCCRs are designed to promote long-term research projects in areas of outstanding strategic importance for the development of science in Switzerland.
NCCR QSIT brought together essentially all major players in the field of quantum science and technology in Switzerland, across disciplines, from quantum information theory to device engineering. More than 30 research groups were members — from ETH Zurich, the University of Basel, the University of Geneva, IBM Research Zurich, EPF Lausanne, USI Lugano and the University of Bern.
Co-led by ETH Zurich and the University of Basel, NCCR QSIT started in 2011 and ran over the maximum of three funding periods, until the end of 2022. The centre had its roots in an Innovation Initiative of ETH Zurich (2005–2007), which was expanded into the so-called Polyproject Quantum Science and Technology (2008–2010), which involved 14 research groups from four departments at ETH Zurich and three external research groups.
NCCR QSIT was one of the first initiatives worldwide dedicated to exploring future quantum technologies, and contributed substantially to this nascent field through a diverse research agenda, a broad educational programme as well as activities in the area of technology transfer. To learn more about the legacy of NCCR QSIT, read this interview with its director Klaus Ensslin and follow the hashtag external page #QSIT100 on Twitter.
The Quantum Center sees itself in this tradition of contributing to the still young field of quantum science and technology with a clear vision, coordinated efforts across disciplinary boundaries, and the flexibility to adapt to emerging directions. We continue several of the NCCR QSIT programmes and initiatives, including the INSPIRE Potentials Master Awards and the Lunch Seminars.