Quantum Transitional Call

Quantum Center members are partners in six projects funded by the Quantum Transitional Call scheme. The programme aims to strengthen Switzerland's excellent position in the quantum sciences after its exclusion from major Horizon Europe quantum calls.

The external page Quantum Transitional Call was launched by the Swiss Federal Government in response to Switzerland's status as a non-associated third country in Horizon Europe and related programmes and initiatives. Its aim is to support researchers in Switzerland following their exclusion from various quantum projects funded under the Horizon Europe work programme 2021–2022. This exclusion affects in particular the participation in the European Quantum Flagship, to which scientists in Switzerland and members of the Quantum Center have contributed significantly during its ramp-up phase from 2018 to 2022.

Coordinated by the external page Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), 16 projects have been selected for funding through the Quantum Transitional Call. Six of these projects involve members of the Quantum Center, covering a wide range of topics in quantum science and technology, ranging from quantum simulation and quantum sensing to quantum computing.

Projects with participation of Quantum Center members

Holograph quantum sensing beyond the standard

Corresponding applicant: Jean-​Philippe Brantut (EPFL)

Project partners: Philipp Hauke (Italy), Tilman Esslinger (Quantum Center member, ETHZ), Julian Sonner (UNIGE)

Keywords: Holographic duality, quantum optics, quantum simulation, strongly correlated matter

Duration: 09/2023 to 08/2027

Quantum metrology with multi-functional spin probes

Corresponding applicant: Christian Degen (Quantum Center member, ETHZ)

Project partners: Gabriel Puebla Hellmann (QZabre AG), Peter Knittel (Germany), Pietro Gambardella (Quantum Center member, ETHZ), Morgan Trassin (ETHZ), Milos Nesladek (Belgium)

Keywords: Solid-state spin defect, Diamond NV center, scanning probe microscopy, quantum metrology, multifunctional sensing, quantum sensing

Duration: 09/2023 to 08/2027

Hybrid quantum–classical algorithms for gate-based simulations: analysis of electronphonon systems and quantum enhanced NMR inference

Corresponding applicant: Eugene A. Demler (Quantum Center member, ETHZ)

Project partners: Immanuel Bloch (Germany), Titus Neupert (UZH), Peter Zoller (Austria), J. Ignacio Cirac (Germany)

Keywords: NMR, hybrid, phonon

Duration: 10/2023 to 09/2027

Graphene quantum dot qubits

Corresponding applicant: Thomas Ihn (Quantum Center member, ETHZ)

Project partners: Andrea Hofmann (UNIBAS)

Keywords: Bilayer graphene, spin–orbit interaction, quantum dot qubit experiments, electronic transport measurements

Duration: 04/2023 to 03/2027

Quantum sensing beyond the standard quantum limit with levitated nanoparticles

Corresponding applicant: Lukas Novotny (Quantum Center member, ETHZ)

Keywords: Optical trapping, quantum correlations, optomechanics, quantum sensing, levitodynamics

Duration: 07/2023 to 06/2027

Modular quantum computing with superconducting circuits

Corresponding applicant: Andreas Wallraff (Quantum Center member, ETHZ)

Keywords: Quantum computing, modular computing, quantum entanglement, nanotechnology, superconductivity

Duration: 04/2023 to 03/2027

A list of all granted projects and further information can be found external page here.

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