Scientific Writing and Publishing Workshop

Date:   June 5 and June 6, 2023
Place:  ETH Hönggerberg, HIT E 41.1
Time:   9:00–12:00 and 13:30–17:00 (both days)
Maximum number of participants: 20 people

The workshop will be led by Dr. Andreas Trabesinger, external pageReinschrift Science Communication

About the workshop

Writing and publishing is arguably an almost intrinsic part of scientific endeavour. In this workshop, Andreas Trabesinger will present context, tools and perspectives related to writing up scientific results, based on his experience as a professional manuscript editor at Nature Physics, as a communications consultant and as a science writer.

Participants will hear about typical editorial checkpoints, the changing publishing landscape, widespread myths and typical mistakes, and how an appreciation of these aspects can help to communicate more efficiently with editors, peers and a wider public. One half day will be dedicated to graphical design, presented by illustrator Neil Smith (external pageNeil Smith Illustration).

See also the detailed programme.

Learning outcome

  • Learn about the essential elements of the writing process and improve writing skills
  • Gain insights into the publishing landscape, editorial process and peer-review, and learn how to communicate effectively with editors and reviewers
  • Learn techniques for producing clear and informative graphics


  • Present a broad overview of today’s scientific-publishing landscape
    -> understand your target
  • Discuss typical problems and common mistakes, focus on non-native speakers
    -> appreciate the challenges
  • Exercises, ideally based on participants’ own texts
    -> get practical and directly applicable advice

    Participants are invited to send their texts to up to one week before the workshop.


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