Naik, Akshay

Date:    Wednesday, Sep 15, 2021
Time:   16:00
Place:   scheduled Zoom meeting
Host:    Alexander Eichler

Nonlinearities in Ultrathin Suspended Structures

Akshay Naik
Indian Institute of Science, India

Ultrathin 2D membranes are fantastic tools to study nonlinear dynamics at the nanoscale. In this talk, I’ll talk about our experimental efforts towards controlling and manipulating the nonlinearities in these atomically thin devices. A simple widely used electrical measurement schemes is used to probe and understand these nonlinearities. Our inability to produce perfect devices leads to nonlinear effects and our ability to control and cancel out nonlinearities that lead to enhancement of linear dynamic range. This regime of near cancellation of the two strongest nonlinearities is not only useful for applications but also to observe higher order nonlinearities and nonlinear damping. I’ll also talk about using tension mediated coupling between different modes to observe phenomenon such as internal resonance and classical analog of electromagnetically induced transparency.

Akshay Naik received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Maryland, College Park, in 2006. He then worked at Caltech first as Postdoctoral Associate from 2006 to 2008 and then as Research Engineer from 2008 to 2011. In Dec 2011, he joined the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore where he is currently an Associate Professor at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering. His research interests are physics and application of nanomechanical resonators.

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