Hetet, Gabriel

Date:    Monday, June 12, 2023
Time:    16:00
Place:   ETH Campus Hönggerberg, HPZ E 35
Host:    Lukas Novotny 

Spin Mechanics with magnetic particles in Paul traps 

Gabriel Hetet - LPENS Paris 

Abstract: Observing and controlling macroscopic quantum systems using individual particles has long been a driving force in research on quantum physics. Joining worldwide efforts in this direction, we are investigating the coupling of the motion of levitating particles to the spin of individual atoms. Specifically, we are using the angular degrees of freedom of diamonds in Paul traps coupled to Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers. On the way towards this objective, we have observed spin-diamagnetism from a billion NV centers, which enables microwave-free alignment of the diamond cristalline axes along magnetic fields. We have also demonstrated an all-electrical rotation technique for particules in Paul traps that we characterized using NV centers. I will also present a novel magnetic Paul trap for magnets that bypasses Earnshaw's theorem and will enable to trap micron-size hard magnets at room temperature. Besides the applications in quantum mechanics, the latter results have implications for studies of gyromagnetism at the micron-scale.

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